The tour of consultations continues. Youth Delegates, Ilda and Stiven travelled to Shkodra to meet local youngsters.
The meeting was held at “Arka” Youth Center which we would like to thank.

There were participants from both local high schools and the University of Shkodra. Delegates and their peers discussed on the values of UN, Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development. The discussion was focused on youth issues and perceptions. Despite having problems it is precious to see that young people are in the same time conscious of the progress that has been made and what it can be achieved if we all work together.

Turi i konsultimeve vazhdon. Delegatet rinore, Ilda dhe Stiven udhetuan drejt Shkodres per te takuar te rinjte e qytetit. Takimi u zhvillua prane Qendres Rinore “Arka”, te cilen gjejme rastin ta falenderojme.

Ne takim moren pjese gjimaziste dhe studente te Universitetit te Shkodres.
Delegatet diskutuan me te rinjte mbi vlerat e OKB, Axhenden 2030 dhe Zhillimin e Qendrueshem. Diskutimi u perqendrua gjithashtu te problemet e perceptimet e te rinjve. Pavaresisht problemeve eshte me vlere te shohesh se te rinjte jane njekohesisht te vetedijshem dhe per progresin qe eshte bere dhe ate qe mund te arrihet nese punojme se bashku.

#unydalbania #unaa


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