✅ Akademia e Lidershipit Rinor, 25 Maj 2019, ora 11.00,
tek Qendra Rinore Arka
✅ Tema/Topic: “Marrëdhëniet Ndërkombëtare dhe Diplomacia / International Relations and Diplomacy
✅ Folës: Z. Brian Beckmann, Shefi i Zyrës së Marredhënieve me Publikun, Ambasada Amerikane në Tiranë / Chief of Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Tirana.
Brian Beckmann has been the Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Tirana, Albania since July, 2018. Prior to his assignment to Albania, Mr. Beckmann served as the Public Affairs Officer in Reykjavik, Iceland. Mr. Beckmann has been in the Foreign Service for 10 years, having also served in Washington, DC as a Public Diplomacy Desk Officer for the Baltic and Nordic States as well as in Caracas, Venezuela as a consular officer. A native of Minnesota, Mr. Beckmann has a B.A. in Political Science and Physics from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN and a Master of Public Policy degree from the George Washington University in Washington, DC.
✔️Projekti YOU(TH) LED – Zhvillimi i Udhëheqjes dhe Angazhimit Rinor zbatohet nga CODE Partners dhe financohet nga USAID.