Vazhdon Akademia e Lidershipit Rinor, 6 Prill 2019, ora 11.00, tek Qendra Rinore Arka

 Tema: Angazhimi i të rinjve në Politikë

 E ftuar: Ana Kovacevic Kadovic – Drejtore e Institutit Demokratik Amerikan (NDI) në Shqipëri

➡️ Gjuha Anglisht (me përkthim në shqip)

Bio e shkurtër

Ana Kovacevic Kadovic has served as NDI Albania Resident Director since 2012. Kovacevic Kadovic has spent last 15 years working on NDI democratic governance programs in the countries of the Western Balkans. Gained a broad knowledge of the Central and Eastern Europe region through the work with NDI CEE Regional Political Party Initiative. From 2003 through 2011, Ana worked for NDI Montenegro on political party, governance and legislative assistance programs, elections and youth empowerment. Ana graduated from the Philosophy Faculty in Niksic and earned diploma of Diplomacy Academy at the Law Faculty in Podgorica, Montenegro. Ana is a feminist and does not have a magic formula for how to raise feminist sons, nieces and nephews. Ana can only hope that she is planting the seeds which will grow into the movement that will.
Special interests&expertise: political party assistance, governance, institutional capacity building, political finance, policy development, legislative strengthening, women’s and youth empowerment, Western Balkans, public opinion research.



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